Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The Question is , Why Would Anyone Inject Anything into Their Lips?
The Question is , Why Would Anyone Inject Anything into Their Lips?
As many people cannot metaphorically, see past the periphery of their own eyelids and think the world ends where their flesh touches the air, it is hardly surprising that the number of cosmetic procedures continue to rise each year and are used by even the youngest and most physically perfect among us. If one sees the whole universe in one's own reflection then one must see oneself as a god and somewhat at liberty to play with this refection as one likes.

The human race has though, been messing around with its own outer layer since at least the beginning of captured history. We have data of tattooed people and painted and scratched people. People have, and still do, shape their hair with coloured muds, and change the shape of their bodies by stretching them with hoops of metal or by having pieces of wood pushed into their earlobes.

We made our gods in our own image thereby proving how godlike we are. The birth of narcissism happened with our discovery of the body and hence forward we found more and more elaborate ways of decorating ourselves. But this was more than decoration, our bodies and sometimes other people's bodies became just another canvas to worship our gods: ourselves.

But what has happened now? If we were so godlike, why then are we altering that perfection with plastic surgery and other cosmetic processes? Either in the past, we were much more accepting of all the abnormalities and faults inherent in being mortal, or we were much more gorgeous in those days. Has the mortal individual fallen from its altar or have we become so much more neurotic and critical of ourselves?

We are of course caught up in a world of financial and material pressure, where for us even to exist it seems we must have commerce. Those who sell must forever seek new markets to offer the things already out there but also to offer the things we have just discovered are sellable. As we must sell and buy, we must be forever seeking new things to offer and buy, so we promote and buy perfection.

Your eyelids are too heavy, then have some removed. You don't like your chin, never mind, have it reshaped. Perhaps before long we will be able to exchange all facets of ourselves, our skin, bones and organs and become someone else entirely. Not only will clinics replant all your hair, they will be able to replant any amount any kind and any shade. I don't know if legs can, realistically, be lengthened or backbones straightened but it will happen one day.

Nowadays there are many crazies that are trying for immortality but what a lot of people want is self love and acknowledgement. A spiritual person might try to lead us to look inside at who we really are or to meditate on impermanence. A political person may ask us to question the social pressures that make us dissatisfied with ourselves. But if you are living in the human world of the 21st century you might just need to fit in and be accepted so that you can work and live. That's why people might choose lip injections or any other cosmetic method.

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