Covert Shirt Store Review - Any Good?
If you are an online marketer or simply a favorite to make money on the internet. Surely you've heard of Teespring. Since this Teespring fever broke out, it has helped many people earn hundreds or even thousands of dollars just for a short time. Based on this, Covert Shirt Store launched aimed at helping you optimize conversion rates, thereby promoting maximum return on marketing the product line.
Today I'm sharing with you a WordPress Theme which will help you make more money with TeeSpring, Spreadshirt, Skreened etc. I bet you can't ignore it because it's very powerful to make massive income in a short period of time with Tshirt.
Covert Shirt Store is a brand new WordPress theme - and it is by far our biggest and most ambitious product to date.Covert Shirt Store Bonus is going to be the easiest to use theme you have ever seen. Complete with step by step setup wizard and bite sized tutorial videos for every single setting inside the admin area. Your customers are going to love this! But at the same time we are NOT going compromise on quality and effectiveness… Covert Shirt Store will be of the usual IM Wealth Builder caliber.
This theme is designed to sell T-shirts and since everyone and their mother have jumped on the Teespring craze this is definitely the right theme at the right time.With the recent rule changes regarding custom targeting in Facebook ads it has also become much more important to both generate organic traffic for your T-shirt campaigns and to optimise your conversion rates. This theme will do both and will thus be a must have for all Teespring marketers. The theme is super simple to use, and with our point and click customization and posting - you simply can't fail to create great looking, traffic and profit pulling T-shirt stores.
With Covert Shirt Store You can add t-shirts from Amazon or from Skreened (using their affiliate program) and earn a commission every time you sell someone else's shirts. You simply choose what keyword to search for on which networks (and how many results you want to get). The theme then gives you a list of t-shirts, with all the details you need. All you have to do is check the box next to the shirts you want to import. Select which category to import too - and whether you want to import as drafts (for later editing/publishing) or as posts that go live immediately. You can literally fill your new store with great selling t-shirts in mere minutes… Without ever having to write a single word or create a single t-shirt yourself!Learn more in our article.
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